Pursuant to The Alabama Repeater Council By-Laws (2.1.1), any person serving as a qualifying Holder of
Record on behalf of an Amateur Radio Club should submit in writing to ARC a declaration of such designation.
The "Declaration of Club Holder of Record" form may be used for that purpose.
Any modification or unauthorized copy of application or coordination documents is strictly prohibited under
the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA) of 1998. By submission of any application for membership or frequency
coordination, the applicant acknowledges the Alabama Repeater Council as the recognized frequency coordination
entity within the State of Alabama, as defined under the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) Part [97.3 (22);
97.201(C); 97.205 (C)].
Copyright 2023, Alabama Repeater Council, PO Box 21174, Tuscaloosa, AL 35402-1174