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DRAFT - Itinerant Repeater Pairs

This page is still a work in progress - nothing on it should be considered final.

These repeaters are the Amateur Radio analogue to the new FCC licensed Low Power FM stations now being shoehorned into the FM broadcast band. They are intended for short range, local, limited coverage.

These repeater pairs are intended for the following purposes:

Itinerant repeaters may use any appropriate modulation formats, either digital or analog. The only limitation to the modulation parameters is that any modulation used must not exceed 20 kHz for wide-band (+/- 4.5 kHz deviation for [1. all audio] or [2. a 1 kHz tone plus CTCSS tone] or 11.7 kHz for narrow-band pairs. Multiple modulation formats may be used on a single machine at any time, even concurrently. Repeaters may be designated as analog, digital, or mixed format by operators.

Itinerant repeaters can be designated by as “closed” systems for their users only. However, in keeping with FCC regulations for the Amateur Service, no form of encryption on either digital streams or analog modulation may be used.

Copyright 2023, Alabama Repeater Council, PO Box 21174, Tuscaloosa, AL 35402-1174